Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Stranger Essay

Critic Roland Barthes has said, "Literature is the question minus the answer." Consider Barthes‘s observation and write an essay in which you analyze a central question The Stranger raises and the extent to which it offers answers. Explain how the author's treatment of this question affects your understanding of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary.
Due Friday, 4/27/2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Stranger: Quotations

We have finished reading The Stranger.

Write down ten quotations from The Stranger that show Meursault's character.  They can be from any point in the novel, but they should reflect the development of the plot.  Write at least one or two sentences of commentary on each one.

This will be handed in.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Stranger Part 1

We have finished the first part of The Stranger (Chapters 1-6).  Here are some questions to answer:

How is Meursault affected by his mother’s death?
What does Meursault like? 
What does Meursault dislike?
Examine Meursault’s relationships.  Consider:
Meursault’s boss
How is Meursault a “stranger” or an “outsider?”
Which other characters are “outsiders?”
Look back at the murder scene in chapter 6.  How is it different from other scenes in the book?  What does it have common with other scenes in the book?
Why does Meursault shoot the Arab?
What are some patterns/motifs/recurring symbols you see in the book?

Monday, April 9, 2018

The Stranger, the First Few Chapters

We have begun reading The Stranger.  We are on chapter 3 now.

Please take notes on the following concerning Meursault:
What we know about him?
What kinds of things does he notice?
How would you describe his personality?

Also, please remember that research paper final drafts are due Wednesday.